Sunday, July 6, 2008

The First Post

Hello everyone!
Well, I'm the one-and-only Nicole. Or Niki. It doesn't really matter.
Well, I'm obsessed with the book series TWILIGHT by Stephenie Meyer.
I'm in love with a fictional character, Edward Cullen. TEAM EDWARD! WOOT!
I own the online store called Cullen Clothes! It's got great clothes and accessories for the other Fanpires or Twilighters like me.
I also love Harry Potter and MuggleCast. Andrew Sims = Life.
I play VolleyBall and saxophone, and I'm pretty much obsessed with Daniel Radcliffe and Robert Pattinson.
I absolutely HATE the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana with a passion.
My favorite bands are(In order from greatest to least): Maroon 5, Metro Station, and Paramore.
Here are some fun facts about me:
-I was in the Russian Ballet (as a mouse) when it came to my town.
-I wrote the 'HUH?! Email of the Week' once on MuggleCast
-I'm trying (and albeit failing) at owning my own store, Cullen Clothes!
-I quit marching band.
-I had my appendix out.
-I have a doggie, Jazz, and a cat FROM HELL, named Hobbes.

Well, that's about it for now.